Golden tickets: See what movie theaters are offering senior discounts

In my younger days, there were three things I could count on in life.
Either the Lakers, Dodgers, or Kings would be on the television in the evening; the childhood dog would zoom through laps in the yard when I got home; and whenever my Grandpa visited from Sacramento, California, we would go to the movies.
While going to the movies — or as my grandfather called it "the show" — may not be the same cultural touchpoint for younger Americans as it was in the past, it is still a place for generations to connect.
It is also an opportunity to take advantage of senior discounts offered by theater chains.
Some, such as Farm Forum financial columnist Rick Kahler, argue that more people should take advantage of the discounts offered to those of a certain age.
"No one forces businesses to offer senior discounts," Kahler, the president and owner of Kahler Financial of Rapid City, wrote. "Companies do so because it’s ultimately good for them if you do business with them instead of their competitors."
Here are the theaters that offer senior discounts.
Movie theater senior discounts
AMC offers a senior discount to those over 60. The discount depends on the location and time of the showing though the theater's matinee discount is applied to the senior price.
Regal theaters offer a discount for those 60 and older. The discount also depends on the location and time of the showing. but does not apply on the theater's value days.
Harkins theaters offer discounts for those 60 and older. The discount depends on the location and the time of the showing.
Cinemark offers discounts for those 62 and older. The discount varies depending on location and showtime. Some Cinemark theaters offer Senior Discount Days where further reductions are taken.